
Showing posts from 2023

Rivaldi Aditya's background

It's been 4 years since i created this blog Hey guys, if you don't know about me, let me tell you all about my background. First, my full name is Rivaldi Aditya, but you can call me Rivaldi or Rival if you want to shorten it. I was born in Cimahi on December 14, 2003.I am 19 years old in a few month I will turn into 20 years old and I live with my parents and siblings, speaking of my siblings, I am the third child of four siblings but I am the first son in my family because I have an older sisters and not big brothers. I was graduated from SMA Pasundan 2 Cimahi and  now I am student of STKIP pasundan cimahi majoring  English Language Education, yeah that means I graduated from Pasundan and entered Pasundan again and in the same city. But fun fact is when I was a kid I didn't like learning English but because I always watched power rangers on DVD and by chance I even got the english version instead and I played playstation2 it forced me to learn English in p